Amy North

It’s properly fine to carefully turn your lover on by texting him a message or two, but you must make your message right by saying the right thing. Put Simply, don’t bore your man. A text message that asks him how or what he’s doing, or what he did the night before, is just downright boring, and will not at all being turning hi

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Texting My Crush

It’s perfectly fine to carefully turn your lover on by texting him a message or two, nevertheless, you must get a message right by saying the right thing. Simply put, don’t bore your man. A text message that asks him how or what he’s doing, the night before or what he do, is just downright boring, and will romantic not being tu

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Top Dating Tips For Men (By A Woman)

The best piece of dating advice I've ever received came from my older sister who told me that men never do anything they don't want to do. She explained that if a guy really likes me, he will make an effort to spend time with me. She said that if he doesn't text or call, then he isn't worth my time. If you're rejected after one or a few dates, the

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Everything You Need To Know

Dirty talking on the phone can be a wonderful way to maintain long distance relationships. Again, finding this out can be the product of an intense discussion between two people in a relationship, or it can be a quick-but-effective as dragging someone you just met off to the side and being like, "I'm moving to Prague in two days but I very much wan

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25 Pieces Of Empowering Relationship Advice For Women

So much has been written over the years about how to know when you are in a bad relationship. Some people get into a relationship as a way to compensate for something they lack or hate within themselves This is a one-way ticket to a toxic relationship because it makes your love conditional — you will love your partner only as long as t

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